
woOhoOs! back from macau.
it was surprisingly an enjoyable trip somemore..
could sleep really well for the past few nights (tt's how tired out i was~)
i had no idea casinos were part of the attractions.
seriously the neon lights were breathtaking..u carn help go wow-ing as each casino tries to outdo the other (Westerners v.s. Stanley Ho)..
In total, Stanley Ho owned 19/22 casinos in Macau..
the other 3 owned by the Westerners were namely the Wynn, Venetian Macau & Sands (all are famous & extravagant).
Wynn was really classy (see videos) & goes to great means to impress the visitors..Venetian was the size of 26+ football fields; in fact it was one of the places I wanted 2 visit (or stay even)~
There were other famous casinos like Grand Lisboa, the 1st in Macau & MGM which was partly owned by Stanley Ho's daughter. I think it was the most gorgeous building in broad day light lOlx (the others will only shine when it's night).
And each building has in own story (about its architecture).
Extremely interesting with the fengshui & all~
Macau's also a cheap place for buying foodstuffs & eating
but definitely not shOpping. i agree Singapore has better deals, esp when it comes to GSS.
partly cos it's a gambling paradise so all the resources are channeled into beautifying the casinos instead.
i bet it's like the 1st country where casino= hotel & hotel= casino.
One will not exist without the other lOlx.
Didn't stay in any of those famous ones but Casa Real was rather close to alot of amenities like some tourist attractions & the ferry terminal which we visited quite often not to cross over to H.K but to take free shuttle buses to the respective hotels.
Hotel/ casino hopping is the norm in Macau instead of shopping centres & looking for bargains.
I have nv been tt interested into peeking @ hotels hehe.
Heard that those owners who build Wynn & Venetian are in charge of Singapore's Marina Sands..i hope it will turn out damn good~
will re edit this post & upload videos take @ Wynn!
pics will have to wait~
Did morning shift today @ flyer (yes i'm mad)
feels good to be able 2 return home before 5pm.
today got to know Kelvin, Brandon & then Clarence & Farhan better.
Level 3 would be rather boring if Ronald hadn't change places wif me soO I can be with Hannah &'s when we went crazy lOlx.
JW oso crazy one.
she tried to yank off my blouse while i was changing!!!
and she sprouted nonsense (apparently she had no idea what she was trying to say either lOlx).
The orang utans came to flyer today!
Didn't catch them but saw them alighting from the capsule..
I think they shitted in the capsule toO hahas!